Eagle Eye Yoga’s mission is to help you achieve clarity and optimal mind-body balance. This positive shift in physical, mental, and emotional mindset is the foundation necessary to change habits that will ultimately positively impact every aspect of your day-to-day life.

Benefits of Yoga with Eagle Eye: You will know what to expect, in each class our goal is to create a lasting impact beyond the mat by offering a comprehensive "stretch" for body and mind, enriched by the distinct expressions of our themes and sequences by each instructor.

We honor your yoga journey and strive to support and hold you accountable for your practice. We help guide you to 

  1. New Perspectives-  We theme each class and provide you with tangible tools to allow you to look at life situations with new perspectives and intentional actions that can be effective in increasing and sustaining happiness. 

  2. Better Balance- by bringing your awareness to muscles around joints to promote balance and create stronger joint stabilization to prevent injury. 

  3. Improved Body Awareness- by helping you recognize tension in your body that can lead to stress, a posture that can lead to slouching, and awareness of breathing  - all to help you improve your daily quality of living. 

  4. Greater Flexibility & Mobility- to help lower your risk of pulling a muscle, overextending a joint, or injuring a ligament or tendon. 

  5. Recovery - to help your muscles, central nervous system, and joints recover quicker from strenuous workouts


  • MONTHLY UNLIMITED YOGA - 20 plus options per week for only $22 a week/ $89 per month

PLEASE CONSIDER ADDING The YOGA & STRENGTH Package: The synergy between strength training with weights and yoga enhances both practices, as each complements and enriches the other. Strength training helps maintain muscle mass, bone density, and overall strength, while yoga enhances flexibility, balance, and mental well-being. Combining all the modalities in this package creates a comprehensive approach that supports longevity and promotes graceful aging. 

While certain styles of yoga can increase bodyweight strength and muscular endurance, yoga alone limits your overall muscle growth.  There is no other exercise that systematically builds muscle than strength training with weights. Lean muscle mass is the best indicator of overall long-term health.  There are so many benefits, which include: 

Getting stronger and feeling younger

Bone health 

Improved body composition

Increased coordination

Healthier metabolism

Mental sharpness